Movement Neuroscience Laboratory
The mission of the lab is to advance knowledge of human neural control of movement and leverage this information to improve motor function for those with neurological impairment
1. To study the neural processes that govern perception and action in health and disease.
2. To translate principles of neuroscience into practical interventions for individuals with motor impairment.
3. To advance techniques for studying human motor neurophysiology.
1. State of the art virtual reality and robotics to study the effects of visual and haptic feedback on motor behavior.
2. High-precision optical cameras, instrumented gloves, inertial sensors, and force sensors to study human movement biomechanics.
3. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and electromyography (EMG) to study human neurophysiology.
Meet the Team
News/Blog Section
TMS/EEG progress over the summer
Pictured: Giuseppe holding the TMS coil with Hide as a participant wearing an EEG cap.
Neuronavigation for TMS
Pictured: Anna and Hide finding the "hotspot" on a participant prior to a TMS experiment. We are currently studying the role of PPC in visuomotor learning and transferring.
New equipment in the Lab
Pictured: Giuseppe, Hide, and Piyush trialing collection with our new EEG equipment!

TMS/EEG progress over the summer
Pictured: Giuseppe holding the TMS coil with Hide as a participant wearing an EEG cap.

Neuronavigation for TMS
Pictured: Anna and Hide finding the "hotspot" on a participant prior to a TMS experiment. We are currently studying the role of PPC in visuomotor learning and transferring.

New equipment in the Lab
Pictured: Giuseppe, Hide, and Piyush trialing collection with our new EEG equipment!

Great visit from Dr. Fattori to discuss posterior parietal area V6A and see some demos in the lab!

NU and Bouvé Research Development Team in the lab
The MNL was happy to host the Northeastern University and Bouvé Research Development team for a tour of the lab with a cTMS demo. Dr. Kim Holloway, Vice Provost for Research Development is pictured experiencing our non-invasive transcranial magnetic brain stimulation....
In-progress development of Human-to-robot human-like object handover
Congrats to our team for their progress!

Goodbye Summer Scholars
Thank you to our summer scholars (Diego not included) Mia, Anna, and Sarah for all your help in the lab this summer! We are so proud of the projects you were able to work on and finish while in the lab. Best of luck in your next ventures.

Goodbye Mariusz!
URI is welcoming an amazing researcher to their staff this year. We are wishing Mariusz good luck in his next job at URI! You will be missed.
View from the researcher
Another day of data collection in the lab. Today, measuring anticipatory postural adjustments.
Preparing EMG placement for study in virtual environment!
Mariusz was kind enough to be a participant for one of the experiments. Seen here are Diego, Mia, and Tom preparing the skin for EMG placement.