On September 27, 2019 our friend from Department of Rehabilitation and Movement Sciences, School of Health Professions, Rutgers University – Jigna Patel difended her Ph.D. disertation titled: “Virtual reality and robotic based training for the upper limb in the acute and early sub-acute periods post-stroke”. Congratulations!
Her Ph.D. thesis supervisors were Dr. Gerard Fluet (Rutgers University), Dr. Sergei Adamovich (New Jersey Institute of Technology) and Dr. Eugene Tunik (Northeastern University), co-chait Dr. Alma Merians (Rutgers University).
The main findings of Jigna’s research showed that virtual reality robotic based upper limb training initiated within the first month post-stroke may promote greater gains in impairment compared to usual care alone. Importantly, the data presented demonstrated the feasibility of conducting this intervention and multiple outcome measures (impairment, behavioral, neurophysiological) in the early period post-stroke.
Jigna, Movement Neuroscience Lab wishes you good luck and happiness in the future!